Hello dog lovers, my name is Luke,  and thank you for visiting my site! Like you, I have had the pleasure of having a number of About Lukefour-legged companions throughout my lifetime. The pain of losing one of our pets is not an easy one, and I have dedicated myself to finding every possible resource to enhance the health and happiness of our beloved animals.


It’s not just my dog, it’s family …


I never understood why someone would buy or rescue a dog, and leave it tied up in the backyard for days after days. Just never made sense to me, and to be honest, infuriated me! I probably go a bit overboard in the other direction, as all of my dogs have enjoyed the same comforts as I do. Sleeping on couches and beds, eating “people” food, enjoying treats and having their belly rubbed daily. After all, these animals are just an extension of our families, and their health and happiness is extremely important to all of us!


Keeping Them Safe …

I have always owned my favorite breed of choice, the Afghan Hound, and am currently the happy owner of my third as I write this. In addition, though a marriage with my beautiful wife, I now have acquired another companion, a ten year old Corgi. As you know, the Afghan Hound like most dogs, enjoy a good run in the backyard. As a result, I began an extensive research on types of fences and borders to keep my pets safe and secure.

Why I Want To Help …

With so many products on the market, it is easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated in selecting a quality fence for your pet. I have had a great deal of success with the PetSafe brand and feel confident when I open the backdoor to let my pets out for a run. The PetSafe product has quite the reputation and one that I would recommend without hesitation.

I have done a quite extensive research on this topic, and I hope to share some of this invaluable information with you along the way. In a nutshell, I have done the work and research, so you won’t have too. I will continue to share with you some products that I have reviewed in great detail and have in some cases, used myself.

By the way, that is me with my best friend in the picture above!
